The MicroTrain Blog

Hump Day Hunting Help: August 10, 2011

by Kassandra McGhee on August 9th, 2011

Tip of the Week: Seeing Your Job Search in 3-D

Are you seeing your job search in 3-D?  And does your job search have the required 3-D tool? 

Well like any other project, your job search should include the proper 3-D perspective and use the 3-D tool to achieve overall project success. 

No, there are no special glasses required. This all imperative 3-D perspective and tool has the following simple features which are critical to your career success:  

  • Direction

Determine where you’re going—the overall project objective/goal.   

For your career project, decide the direction of your job search efforts by asking yourself the following questions: What is my career goal? What are my target companies and why? What location of the country, state, city, etc. do I desire to work?  This will help ensure you’re spending your project resources, primarily your time, on activities that will help you achieve your overall goal. 

  • Dedication

Stay committed, devoted and constant.  

Make a job search schedule and stick to it.  Schedule time to complete each of the following project activities: company research, job board research, social networking, in-person networking, resume review & updates, relax, etc.  Keep notes on your daily activities to identify how you’ve spent your resource of time and determine your ROI.  

  • Drive

It’s all about your motivation.

It’s easier to stay dedicated and committed to your job search project/plan with the proper motivation.  So, find ways to keep yourself motivated and keep your goal in sight.  Remember, don’t focus on the apparent losses (i.e., job rejection, not hearing back from an employer, not immediately finding the right opportunity, etc.).  Learn from these experiences and move forward.  Remain focused on your wins (i.e., achieving weekly job search goals, improving social media pages, building your networking including increasing connections on LinkedIn, obtaining job interviews, etc.).  In the end, your drive is the ultimate driving force of your project.   

So as you can see, putting your job search in 3-D is simple and plain but effective!  And below are several articles with helpful tips on how to 3-D your job search. 

Happy Hunting!

Hump Day Hunting Help: July 27, 2011

by Kassandra McGhee on August 8th, 2011

Tip of the Week: Bringing Your Job Search into the 21st Century

Exactly how old does your resume make you look?  And when is the last time you checked the vitals on your job search?  Your resume and even your job search techniques might be “dating” you or leaving you behind the times. 

No, your plain, old ordinary job search from even 2 years ago just won’t do.  It pays to pay attention to what’s helping job seekers find the right opportunities in today’s market and there are some excellent tools that can be extremely helpful in your job search. 

It’s time to bring your job search into the 21st century and land the job you’ve been waiting for.  So why not revive your job search techniques by reading up on some of today’s best practices?!

Happy Hunting!

·      Ignore These 10 Outdated Pieces of Career Advice

·      Is Your Out-of-Date LinkedIn Profile Losing You Job Opportunities

·      Mid-Career Resume: You Don’t Need a Shoe Horn

·      5 Ways You Look Out-of-Date in Your Job Search

·      Baby Boomers, Beware! Don’t Let Your Resume Date You!

·      4 Reasons Your Job Search May Be Out of Date

·      The Modern Resume—Do You Have One?

·      The 7 Deadly Sins of Resume Writing…and How to Avoid Them!

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