MicroTrain Exam Pass Guarantee!
Pass our practice exams, submit the results, and we'll cover the cost of your retake if you fail. Review the details below, noting some exclusions.
Qualification Criteria: To be eligible for our Exam Pass Guarantee, successfully complete our certification tracks or classes and adhere to the guidelines outlined below:
Practice Exam Requirements: Within 1 year of your class's first day or, for WIOA students, the start date of your first voucher, take two (2) practice exams in the simulated timed exam certification mode and score 90% or better on both. Exceptions are as follows:CCBA and CBAP exams: Only one (1) practice exam from Watermark Learning with a minimum required score of 85%.
ITIL exam: One (1) CyberVista practice exam in 'quick quiz' mode and one (1) practice exam from theProfessional.me with a score of 90% are required.
APICS® CSCP exam: Score 80% or better on all APICS® Learning System quizzes and practice exams.
Tableau Desktop Specialist exam: Score 85% or better on two (2) practice exams from theProfessional.me.
Results Submission: Upload results to your Career Service Manager via theprofessional.me account for GMetrix, Watermark Learning, or Online Study Exam. Note that for CyberVista (formerly known as Kaplan), ITIL, ECBA, Tableau, and LSSGB exams, the exam results for those tests are made available to MicroTrain through theprofessional.me.
Certification Exam Timing: The certification exam must be taken within 30 days of the last successful practice exam(s).
If you don't pass the exam, submit proof of a failed exam to your Career Service Manager via your theprofessional.me account. Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 to receive a new exam voucher.
Important Note: The procedure outlined above must be followed each time an exam is attempted to qualify for the Exam Pass Guarantee.
Attempts Limit: For each exam type, a limit of three (3) attempts at the certification exam is guaranteed, with the exception of CCBA, CBAP, CEH, APICS® CSCP, CISSP, and SAFe, where a limit of two (2) attempts at the certification exam is guaranteed.
Eligibility for Guarantee: The Exam Pass Guarantee is available only for courses that offer CyberVista (formerly known as Kaplan), GMetrix, Watermark Learning, Online Study Exam, Scaled Agile, and theprofessional.me practice exams. Check with your Program Director to confirm if your desired course qualifies.
Raves & Praise
A Cisco Success Story
I attended a resume writing seminar & conducted mock phone interviews with a Microtrain career counselor. These two activities gave me a leg up on distinguishing myself from all the other people looking for work. Since the career counselor's at Microtrain had a track record of getting people hired, their insight and positive past experiences helped me tremendously in getting hired with a Cisco Voice Systems Integrator in the Chicago area. I was hired as a Cisco Voice Tech Engineer with a starting salary of $65,000 / year with a Cisco voice systems reseller located in the Chicagoland area. Microtrain was very instramental in making this a reality. From expediting my WIA grant, to providing excellent hands-on training from knowledgable instructors I was able to achieve becoming certified with my CCNP. Microtrain's career services was the final catalyst in connecting me with this company by communicating with them on my behalf and with me in setting up the interview. One week later and I was hired. No joke. Thanks Microtrain!
Christopher Fowler
Very thorough, good mix of lecture and lab work. Al is great! Keeps classes interesting and supplements required test material with need-to-know items from real world experience.
Student Employment Success - Project/Process Manager
My Career Services Manager was very friendly and helpful and had excellent follow-up. She seemed to really care how things were going and kept me moving in the right direction. The resources available in job search were great and the visibility that there were jobs out there looking for my skillset was promising. Additionally, the training, as well as having an updated resume stating the Microtrain course work I had taken made me feel more confident and marketable as I looked for employment. It showed that I was dedicated and took project management and process management seriously.
Kaycee Ekufu
The instructor [Al Khalfan] was very knowledgeable in the field. He presented the materials and concepts with a professional touch. He also frequently adds humor to his teachings, which made it easier for me to understand. The support staff was all nice, gentle, caring, and very helpful. The materials, rooms and amenities were excellent and exceeded expected standards.
D. Easter
PMP Certification Training, November 2008
Thanks Microtrain for conducting a great PMP course that set me on a successful path to obtain my PMP certification. I have passed the test!
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