The MicroTrain Blog

Hump Day Hunting Help: April 6, 2011

by Kassandra McGhee on April 6th, 2011

Tip of the Week: Positioning Yourself in the 2011 Job Market

Jobs are available including the one that’s a good fit for you!  So, how do you find it? 

During the 2nd quarter of 2011, start by assessing where you are with your job search.  Then consider some tips on how to help position yourself to be hired in today’s market.  

What About Me?

by Kassandra McGhee on April 4th, 2011

Focusing on a full-time job search can be tough.  It literally is a job and at times may feel overwhelming. 

Your resume has you thinking about how your skills match the needs of the employer.  The job interview has you thinking about how you can tell an employer about your value and specifically how you can provide answers that will help the company.  Now, as a job seeker, you should spend plenty of time focusing on these objectives.  BUT STOP!  Have you stopped to think, “What about me?” 

Taking care of you first is essential, even for your next employer.  After the job offer, if you aren’t taking care of “numero uno”, how will you be able to provide maximum value to the company? 

So, let’s look at a few things to help you keep you the priority:

  • Career Goal or Filler Job

Handle your financial stress.  Honestly assess your current financial needs.  If you really need income now, why not consider a filler job?  Filler jobs typically are not your career goal but may be in the industry of choice.  But even if it’s not, it can be a very good way to not just gain income, but expand your network and perhaps find the job you’re really looking for.  So if you are having difficulty finding the ideal job, don’t stop looking but perhaps a filler job detour may be something to consider.

  • Time Management

Use your time wisely.  How are you using the time you would typically spend at a job?  If you are not seeing a positive ROI on your 40 – 50 hour work week, then it’s time to SHIFT.  Make a realistic job search schedule that considers all of the things that are involved in your life.  And then, stick to it.  Organization and effective time management are skills that will benefit you directly as well as your employer.    

  • Quality “Me” Time

Schedule "me" time.  All work and no play…not a good idea!  Everyone should have some quality time (QT) to unwind and do something that makes them happy. Even on a decreased budget, fun can be built into your weekly schedule.  Here’s a few no cost/low cost things that can help make your week enjoyable:  watch a favorite TV program, go for a walk, prepare your favorite meal, read a good book, play a board game/cards, visit with family/friends, rent a free movie from you library, etc. 

Keeping you the focus, keeps your priorities straight.  And a little QT can go a long way to help you stay at your best. 

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