The MicroTrain Blog

Hump Day Hunting Help: July 20, 2011

by Kassandra McGhee on July 19th, 2011

Tip of the Week: Are You Making These Job Search Mistakes?

When it comes to your job search, there are definitely some things you can do right, and some things you can do wrong.  Effective network—right.  Only applying for jobs online—wrong.

Some job search mistakes can easily be avoided including typos on your resume, not customizing your resume to fit the job opening, or not actively utilizing LinkedIn.  All it takes is a little time, dedication and know-how. And since your job search is the all important route for you to obtain the employment/investment opportunity you desire, isn’t it worth another look to make sure you’re not making these common mistakes? 

Knowledge is power and below are a few articles that can give your job search the power-boost it needs. 

Happy Hunting!

Hump Day Hunting Help: July 13, 2011

by Kassandra McGhee on July 13th, 2011

Tip of the Week: Do Employers Hate Your Resume?

You spend hour after hour finding jobs online, completing online application forms and sending your resume to employers for review.  Then you sit and wait for phone calls and not enough of them are coming.  So, you ask yourself, “What’s keeping me from getting a job?”  Well, the painful truth is employers might hate your resume.

I know—it’s something no one likes to hear.  But, the fact remains that a solid resume is an absolute must.  Your resume is an essential method of marketing your “product” to potential  “customers. ”  And it has to do the job well! 

Your resume is typically your first introduction to the company and it must sing your value, highlight the greatness of your product to solve the company’s problems and make the customer (employer) desire to buy your product on the spot.  “So, how do I get my resume to do that?”  Well, I am glad you asked! 

Below are a few articles that provide insight into some Dos & Don’ts of resumes!  Enjoy and Happy Hunting!

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