The MicroTrain Blog

Why Blockbuster Is Dead :(

by Jo Escotal on June 2nd, 2010

I remember as a kid when Blockbuster came into business and crushed the ma and pa shops of renting videos well what comes around goes around because of its monolithic culture and the inability to change Netflix has finally destroyed Blockbuster. I see the end coming for once a great business. Customers are leaving in droves and has made a decision to watch movies online more frequently. Furthermore Blockbuster has alienated customers with their exoberant late fees and their inability to promote affordability I mean Red Box are renting movies for a dollar. I am so amaze that the management that are running Blockbuster has made such a blunder and in the next couple of years I see them becoming extinct like the great dinosaurs that once roam this Earth.


Jo Blitz Escotal

Are You a Dinosaur?

by Jo Escotal on May 28th, 2010

Do you have any of these computer skills?

Non Relation DBMS
Lotus 123
Novell Netware
C Programming
Cold Fusion

Guess what if you have 3 or more of these as your main computer skill set it is probably a good idea to upgrade these skills.  Unlike Mainframe skills which I still see some uses because it works and IBM has done a solid job solidifying these with some current environment, the skills I mentioned above are considered dead.  I know there are some Novell Certified Engineers running around but if you want to stay competitive in this market it would be a good idea to upgrade your skills.


Jo Blitz A. Escotal

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