The MicroTrain Blog

Why a Technical Certification Gets You Interviews

by James Ellis on November 1st, 2010

Yes, we sell training. That's how our bread gets buttered, so to speak. But we don't sell you training like some would sell you a get-rich-quick scheme off of late-night TV. We sell training because that's how you get certified, and certification gets you interviews.

Yes, it's that simple. We sell training because we know that's the fastest way to get you the interview. 

Really? Yes, really. It really is that simple.

How do I know? Let me show you how the job search process works from the other side: that of the employer.

Becki the employer is looking for someone to run projects for her company. Becki knows that with the economy being what it is, as soon as she puts out the ad on Monster/Craigslist/CareerBuilder/LinkedIn, her inbox will get flooded with resumes.

And if history is any indication, 90% of those resumes won't even be close to being the right fit because so many people apply for every job they think they might be even remotely qualified for (they aren't) and even of the ones who look like they might be remotely qualified, 90% of them are puffing up their experience and skills to just look like they are qualified.

If Becki had to read each resume to filter out the clearly unqualified candidates, and then phone screen everyone else to get rid of the ones who are trying to puff up their resumes and just whittle it down to people who might not fail outright, it would take weeks or months to get to those people.

So what's the solution? Becki's going to ask her HR director to go through all these resumes and filter out people who aren't even qualified and try and filter out the ones guilty of puffery. The HR director doesn't know anything about what makes a good project manager, so Becki has to create criteria. "The right candidate has to have X years of experience in Y and..." and explains the criteria. And then Becki says, "And also don't filter out anyone who's certified."

Aha! You have now passed the filter because you are qualified. You aren't competing with a thousand people, you're competing against a dozen people, which makes your odds muchmuch better.

And that's why a certification will get you interviews. It's a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card where jail is the HR Director's stack of resumes.

Comment if you've got questions and I'll answer them!


Top 10 Things That Impact Your Job Search, Part 3

by Kassandra McGhee on October 29th, 2010

Today, let's discuss the last five things on our list of The Top 10 Things That Impact Your Job Search. 

  • Networking

Although networking is one of many job search methods, the power it has demands we focus on it separately.  As thousands of jobs are never advertised, developing and maintaining a list of friends, neighbors, family members, current and former colleagues, etc. who know of job opportunities and/or decision makers is priceless. An introduction to a decision maker by a network contact can be just what is needed to land the next job.

  • Job Search Skills

An effective job search is diverse and employs multiple methods.  Online, job websites, LinkedIn, target company contact, job fairs, cold calling, networking, etc.  Casting a broad yet focused job search net typically yields the best results.  

  • Follow Up

Maintaining consistent contact with networking contacts, target companies, interviewers, etc. is an important aspect of your job search.  The goal is to be memorable, professional and valuable: send a thank you note after an interview, offer your assistance or expertise to your network contacts, etc. A little can go a long way in demonstrating your dedication and positive work ethic.

  • Time Management

Effectively managing your time is an essential skill in your overall career success.  Maintaining a job search schedule, activity log, etc. will help you both organize your day and structure your job search activities.

  • Labor Market Information

As the job market continues to change, new information emerges regarding job websites, interview questions, growing industry areas and companies, etc.   And keeping on top of the changing trends is essential to your successful job search! Research government, business and company information to stay abreast of labor market changes.


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