The MicroTrain Blog

Computer Security

by Jo Escotal on March 14th, 2010

What is computer security?

Computer security is the process of preventing and detecting unauthorized use of your computer. Prevention measures help you to stop unauthorized users from accessing any part of your computer. By being proactive you can find out who is trying to break in to your computer system.

 Why should I care?

We use computers for everything from online banking, credit card transactions and communicating with others through email or social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Although you may not consider your information to be "top secret," you probably do not want strangers reading your email, using your computer to attack other systems, sending forged email from your computer, or examining personal information stored on your computer (such as financial statements).

Who would want to break into my computer at home?

Hackers, Crackers and People who have nothing better to do with their time than to cause havoc.  Often they want to gain control of your computer so they can use it to launch attacks on other computer systems.

How easy is it to break into my computer?

Very easy many crackers find holes and vulnerabilities to exploit your computer.

Computer security risks to home users

What is at risk?

Information security is concerned with three main areas also known as CIA:

Confidentiality - information should be available only to those who rightfully have access to it

Integrity -- information should be modified only by those who are authorized to do so

Availability -- information should be accessible to those who need it when they need it

Here are some common risks associated with your computers?

The most common methods used by intruders to gain control of home computers are briefly described below.

Trojan Horse
Back Door Attack

Denial Of Service Attack

Man-in-the-Middle Attack
Unprotected Windows Shares

Email Spoofing and Vulnerabilities

Spyware, Malware, Adware

Hidden File Extensions

Packet Sniffing

Social Engineering (Phishing)

Physical Theft (believe or not there are people that still do it the old fashion way)

Computer Security Protection

We recommends the following practices to home users in securing their computer and networks.


Education, Awareness and Training

Service Packs, Hotfix and Security Patches

Antivirus Program
Antispyware Program

Do not open Email from unknown origins

Do not run any programs from unknown origins

Do not open unknown file attachment from unknown origins

Disable hidden filename extensions

Turn off your computer and disconnect network when not in use

Disable Java, JavaScript and Active X when possible


Make a boot disk or ghost an image of data in case of a disaster

Physical Protection

Lock Doors

Bright Lights
Man Trap

Common Sense

I hope this helps if you have any question contact me Jo Escotal at

Favorite Quotes of all time

by Jo Escotal on March 13th, 2010

Here is a list of some of my favorite quotes of all time. If you have any quotes that have inspired you I would like to know.

Warren Buffett
Rule 1: Never Lose Money
Rule 2: Never forget Rule 1

Francis Bacon
"Knowledge is power"

Edward Bulwer-Lytton
The pen is mightier than the sword

Jesus Christ
He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword

 J.P Morgan
If you have to ask how much something costs, you can't afford it

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer

Fred Barnard
A picture is worth a thousand words

Carpe Diem (Seize the day)

Julius Caesar
Divide and Conquer

Murphy's Law
If anything can go wrong, it will.

Thomas Edison
I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work

Teddy Roosevelt
Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far

Benjamin Franklin
Time is money

Friedrich Nietzsche
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger

Rene Descartes
cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am)

Choose a job your love, and your will never have to work a day in your life

Harry S. Truman
The buck stops here

John Wooden
Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

George S. Patton
Always do more than is required of you

Don Corleone
I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse

Lao Tzu
A thousand mile journey begins with a single step



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