The MicroTrain Blog

Dealing with Unemployment: Part 1

by Jo Escotal on October 18th, 2010

The first in a series of articles:

In the current economy, everyone is facing an uncertain employment future or knows of someone who is. The country is facing an unemployment rate of 9.6%, with no immediate relief in sight. While there may be little you can do to prevent being laid off by your company, the best thing to do if you face unemployment is to prepare before the pink slip is handed to you.

  • Keep your resume updated. You may not need it right away, but when the day comes having your resume prepped and ready will save you time.
  • Get a physical done before you receive your termination notice at your current company. If you don’t have another job lined up, and are going to be losing your company sponsored health insurance, it will be easier to get individual health insurance if you have recent documents proving you are healthy and are less of a risk to the insurance company.
  • Build up the savings in your emergency fund. You will not be able to predict how long you may go between jobs, and you will need to be prepared to have at least a 6 month emergency fund, if not more. Learning to live within your means while you’re still employed will make weathering unemployment easier.
  • Keep your contact list up to date. Making sure you have the current email addresses and phone numbers for your co-workers and clients will be beneficial in your job hunt. It matters just as much as whom you know, as what you know. Remaining in contact with everyone may help speed up you landing a new position.
  • Be proactive in your networking do not wait till something bad happens before you contact anyone that can help you.  By being on anyone's peripheral your contact will be able to help in your time of need.


Jo Blitz Escotal

Visual Studio, to Build or to Rebuild

by Cecille Ramirez on October 18th, 2010

For developers, for as long as the code works, no errors, runs as expected, all succeeded, what do we care about build or rebuild.

Honestly, I don’t know as well when to do which one at first until my curiosity kicks in so I look for the meaning of each. Here’s what I found out.

Build means compile and link all source files that have changed since the last build while Rebuild means compile and link all source files regardless of whether there was a change or none at all.

There are times even with this clear definition, one has to rebuild even changes have not taken place just for the sake of synching all source files.

Just remember either of this uses the compile. The next question is what exactly does compile do? Compile quickly checks for errors in the code when the rest of the source files are incomplete and may result to unsuccessful build.

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