The MicroTrain Blog

5 Ways to Expand Your Network with Better Body Language

by Eric Margules on July 8th, 2013

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Serious job-seekers know that in-person networking is the key to landing a new job, but when it comes to the basics non-verbal communication, many don’t have a leg to stand on.

There are no second chances at a first impression. Whether you appear insecure or arrogant, the initial impressions you make will influence your professional relationships for the foreseeable future.

It’s easy to see how projecting a warm, professional air is essential to successful in-person networking. But how exactly do you do this?

Stand up straight

Your mother was right when told you to stand—and sit—up straight. Good posture not only projects confidence to others, it can also instantly improve your mood when you’re feeling down.

Slouched shoulders and a hunched back make you look insecure and self-conscious. They also restrict air flow to your lungs, making it harder to breathe and generally depressing your mood. Stand up straight, with your shoulders back, to show that you’re actively engaged and confident.

Keep an Open Stance

Make others feel comfortable and show them respect by turning your body to face them. This makes you look approachable and engaged. Try not to cross your arms; many people take this as a sign of resistance and disapproval.  

It’s important to measure the distance between you and others. Standing too close will come off as pushy and might make your audience uncomfortable. Stand too far away and you risk coming off as standoffish—literally.

Note how people adjust themselves in your presence. If they lean away or slide back, you’ve invaded their personal bubble. Avoid physical contact, as well. This is usually inappropriate and can make others uncomfortable.

Practice Active Listening

Active listening is essential to a good first impression. People like to know you value their time and insight. Show them you’re listening by nodding slightly while they speak to you. This shows that you’re following the cadence of their speech. You can also tilt your head slightly to appear more receptive to the conversation

Keep still and put your phone away. Fidgeting is one of the most distracting things you can do as a listener. Not only can it derail the speaker’s train of thought, but it also makes you look distracted and uninterested.

Make Eye Contact                                                         

If the eyes are the window to the soul, then eye contact is one of the most telling forms of non-verbal communications available. Proper eye contact signals your interest in the conversation, as well as your level of self-confidence.

Try to maintain eye-contact around 60 to 70% of the time. Any more and you risk making the other person uncomfortable; any less and you’ll come off as uncertain or, worse, uninterested.


This might seem obvious (and it is!), but displaying a warm smile is the single easiest thing you can do to make your body language more inviting to others. A natural smile will make you look far more approachable.

While these practices are only some of the many ways you can better your body language while networking, they will go a long way toward improving the quality and results of your professional connections. Like with everything else, practice makes perfect. You won’t be able to master all these techniques immediately, but with practice you’ll find yourself making more new connections than you thought possible.

Photo: Shutterstock

Client Spotlight: Mikeshia Manning

by Andrea Grabemeyer on July 7th, 2013

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This month we’re focusing on Mikeshia Manning, a bright young lady who had everything going for her until her company closed their doors and laid her off a couple years ago.

In July 2012, Mikeshia came to MicroTrain to get her PMP certification. With 10 years of experience in the banking industry, a degree in Business Administration and Management, and plenty of Project Management experience, Mikeshia had already laid the foundation for her success. 

After applying herself diligently and completing PMP, Business Analysis and Six Sigma courses at MicroTrain, Mikeshia earned her certifications. But she knew certifications alone wouldn't be enough to get her dream job. So, Mikeshia worked closely with her Career Services Manager, Elliott Esparza, to craft a winning resume, prepare for interviews and get her foot in the door with employers.

"After completing courses at Microtrain and achieving my PMP certification, Elliott assisted with my career search from beginning to end, helping me land a job at the Illinois Department of Housing as a Program Lead," Mikeshia said recently. "With his assistance, I was able to land a great opportunity. Thank you for everything."

Esparza, Mikeshia’s Career Services Manager, said her persistence, organization and ambition are the main sources of Mikeshia’s amazing success.

Congratulations to Mikeshia and to the Illinois Department of Housing for knowing a good thing when they see it!

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