The MicroTrain Blog

Hump Day Hunting Help: May 25, 2011

by Kassandra McGhee on May 25th, 2011

Tip of the Week: How Your Attitude Can Help You Get Hired & Promoted

Attitude and altitude—same thing.  (Kassandra McGhee, Career Coach & Author)

Be positive. Smile. Relax. Make a good impression.  Heard it all before?  Well it’s worth repeating because your attitude is extremely important and crucial to your job search and overall career success.

A positive attitude can have a significant impact on decisions made about both hiring and promoting you.  Your attitude will tell an employer many things about your ability to successfully meet their needs.

  • Are you a problem solver and solutions-focused?
  • Are you optimistic: glass half-empty or half-full?
  • Are you a motivator and team-player?

For an employer, a positive attitude is seen as an indicator/reflection of your work ethic, problem solving & coping skills, as well as your overall ability to get along with others and complete tasks both efficiently and effectively.  Even if your skills indicate you’re the best qualified candidate, your attitude may not.  If you aren’t presenting as pleasant and optimistic, you might just be closing the very doors you’re trying to open. 

Companies desire solution-focused, problem solvers and team-players; not individuals that will be negative and problematic, thus creating a stressful, uncomfortable work environment. 

Your attitude has a huge impact on how an employer views you.  So whether it’s during the interview process or after you’re hired, your positive attitude is an essential, foundational component in moving your career forward. 

Hump Day Hunting Help: May 18, 2011

by Kassandra McGhee on May 18th, 2011

Tip of the Week: Is Your Job Search Ordinary?

I know many people never thought it would come to this.  Tweeting? Blogging? QR Codes?  But yes, we have arrived!  So it’s time to ask yourself, “Is my job search keeping up with today’s market or is it just ordinary?” 

It’s always wise to evaluate your job search plan by reviewing the effectiveness of what you’re doing and what others are using that works.  Do your research to make sure what you change will be value-added for your job search and the employers you are pursuing. 

Keeping up with the ever-changing market and job search to-dos will make sure your job plan is for above ordinary and helping you get the results you desire.

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