The MicroTrain Blog

Hump Day Hunting Help: May 4, 2011

by Kassandra McGhee on May 4th, 2011

Tip of the Week: Networking Done Right

Ok you’ve heard it before—networking is key to an effective job search.  And by now, many of you have tapped into the job market via networking events and by using LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Ning, and the list goes on.

But, how effective is your networking?  And are you successfully using social networking tools? Yes, there are always things to consider beyond simply talking with others and being on these sites. It’s about maintaining an active, professional image (both on and off line) and being found by the right people.  Networking including social networking can be crucial to your job search and here are a few tips on how it’s done right.



Master Your Next Interview

by Kassandra McGhee on May 2nd, 2011

Mastering an interview can be easy, if you know how to do it.  Yes, interviews can be tricky but they are like exams—the better you prepare, the better the final outcome.  And it’s all about proper REST: Research, Evaluate, Study, Test.



An interview is a two-way conversation and your resume has given the employer insight into who you are.  So, make sure you are able to make an impression by demonstrating what you know about them. Beyond the job description, find information about the company, their products, competitors, growth projections, etc.  This will enhance the conversation and your questions for the interviewer.


Know what value you can bring to the employer and the job position.  Determine what experience, skills, etc. help you fit into the position specifically and the company overall.  Be able to thoroughly tell the employer why you are the ideal candidate, how you can solve specific problems and why you would like to work for their company.



Review the information you’ve obtained regarding the company, your qualifications for the job and answers to common interview questions.  Practice your answers out loud, in a mirror and with family members or friends.  This will allow you to hear and see what the interviewer will experience and fine tune any problem areas.



You’ve done the hard work behind the scenes, now it’s time to lock in the sale. You have the skills the employer is looking for and the interview is your time to shine, close the deal and get that job!  Be prepared to sell them on why you are right person!


Get prepared for your next interview by getting your proper REST: Research, Evaluate, Study, Test. 

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