Don’t Surrender Your Job Search

by Kassandra McGhee on May 9th, 2011

Are you in the passenger seat of your own job search? Who's really driving your search, you or the prospective employer?

Applying for jobs by submitting resumes or applications into the proverbial internet “black hole” is not the ideal way to position yourself in today’s market.  The job search game has changed and networking is its name. 

It’s about establishing contact with decision makers, getting introduced to hiring managers, providing your expertise to others, developing relationships with individuals to exchange job leads, maintaining relationships with network contacts.  It’s about networking. 

  • Find a job  +  complete online form  = Passive Job Search
  • Find a job  +  email resume  =  Passive Job Search
  • Find a job + contact network contact + send resume/complete online form = Assertive Job Search

Don’t surrender your job search by failing to network.  Don’t wait for the prospective employer to call you—be assertive and network.  Networking including follow up keeps you in the driver’s seat and in command of your job search. 

So if you’ve surrendered, it’s not too late to get back in charge.  Establish and maintain relationships with those that can help leverage you for the jobs you’ve applied for.  

Stay in the driver’s seat of your job search.  Don’t take the passive passenger seat, stay in command.  Network. 

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