Hump Day Hunting Help: June 1, 2011

by Kassandra McGhee on June 1st, 2011

Tip of the Week: Getting Over the Hump

It’s June and the HUMP is almost here. The HUMP is the pivotal point of the year where we’ve already covered the same amount of ground that’s still left before the new year arrives. 

So, are you ready for the HUMP?  Have you made significant progress towards your career goals?  Are you accomplishing your milestones?   If not, it’s time to get going and get over the HUMP and that requires a HUMP strategy:


It’s time to tell yourself the truth. Start by taking an honest look at your job search plan.  Have you established realistic, appropriate and clearly defined goals and expectations? Have you invested the time needed to achieve your goals? Have you reassessed your job plan and included best practices for today’s market?  Determine what it’s really going to take to achieve your career goal(s) and see the results you desire.  Then hold yourself accountable.


To win, one must know the rules of the game. In job search, it’s a multi-faceted approach that includes networking, social networking, job boards, etc.  And there’s always room to further develop your skills and knowledge.  As the market continues to change, make sure you understand how these changes may impact your goals, milestones, expectations, etc.  and adjust them accordingly.


Make the most of every opportunity that is presented to you. Don’t delay to reach out to companies with current or immediate hiring needs.  Don’t hesitate to establish and maintain contact with friends, family members, colleagues regarding opportunities with their companies, your target companies, to provide your expertise, etc.  Don’t wait to apply for jobs you see posted and develop network contacts within the companies.  Don’t be passive about your search—every job opening that aligns with your career goal, every network interaction may become the opening you’ve been waiting for!


Be sure your job search plan is up-to-date.  Assess it for what has gotten you phone calls, interviews, 2nd interviews, job offers, etc.  Determine what’s working and what’s not.  Research new trends within your field, learn from experts and employ the strategies that are getting results.  Your job search plan is never static, it’s alive!  Plan and plan again.

Six months in, six more to go…now is the time to get ready. Utilize the HUMP to ensure you’re successfully Getting Over the HUMP

Here are a few tips to help you start Getting Over the Hump.  Happy Hunting!

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