Hump Day Hunting Help: June 29, 2011

by Kassandra McGhee on June 29th, 2011

Tip of the Week: Interview Cheating Tips

For interviews, it really is okay to cheat.  Now, when I say “cheat” I mean creating a cheat sheet of key things to discuss, present or ask during the interview.  So, it’s really not cheating, it’s prepping yourself for the big event.  And it all starts with research.

To create your cheat sheet, you must know 2 things:

  • Know Yourself = Product Knowledge
  • Know the Company = Customer Knowledge

Having insight into these things will allow you strategically develop your sales pitch of why the consumer (company) should purchase the product (your talent).  It also helps you develop questions for the interviewer to gain further insight into the company, position, etc.  Without gaining this information, it would be like shooting an arrow into the air with no target in mind. 

Learning how to “cheat” for your interview is simple:

  • Identify the company’s needs
  • Identify what skills you have to meet the needs
  • Identify specific examples to interview questions that highlight you as the “problem-solver”
  • Identify questions to ask the interviewer

So the next time you’re faced with an interview, don’t stress.  Simply do your homework and just “cheat.”

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