Hump Day Hunting Help: March 30, 2011

by Kassandra McGhee on March 30th, 2011

Tip of the Week: Expand Your Resume IQ!

And just when you thought you knew all there was to know about resumes…

In our world of ever-changing and expanding technology, resumes have not been left behind.  Ever heard of a QR code? And what about using lines or borders on resumes when uploading them to applicant systems?  Well, here’s some more resume information to consider and add to your job search tool kit.

Now, never abandon resume professionalism, essentials and staples but do keep your eyes open for some new, “proven” things to consider when updating your resume.  Remember, your resume is your professional “snapshot” and introduction to an employer.  So do keep up with the new trends and who knows, you might just find something that helps you stand out in the crowd.

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