Impress Employers in 30 Seconds or Less

by Eric Margules on August 20th, 2013

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When it comes to professional branding, your elevator pitch is your bread and butter. This short, 30—45 second statement is your first chance to wow a new business contact. It should summarize not only who you are as a professional, but also what you can do for your audience.

A good elevator pitch will spark your audience’s interest by revealing just enough information while getting straight to the point. Keep it short and sweet. Making your pitch around 30 seconds should do the trick; this will make your audience want to know more about you without boring them with all the details.

But it’s important to remember that it's not all about you. Engage your audience by showing them how they can benefit from your valuable skills and experience and they’ll want you even more.

Fortunately, we’ve taken all the guesswork out of creating the perfect elevator pitch. Head over to TheProfessional.Me to check out our brand new Elevator Pitch Generator. This handy tool will take you step-by-step through the process of creating your own dazzling elevator pitch, which you’ll be able to use at networking events, in job interviews and any time someone asks what you do.

Photo: Shutterstock

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