Job Searching: The Changing Trends in 2014

by Jeffrey Lareau on February 4th, 2014

I don't know anything about the fashion industry.  I wouldn't be able to tell you if Ugg boots are in or out.  Honestly, I probably wouldn't be able to pick out Ugg boots from a boot lineup.  The only thing I do know about the fashion industry is that trends change quickly, and the same is true for job searching.

What worked on your resume last year isn't guaranteed to work this year.  Why?  Well, if you think about it, the people who decide on the next fashion trends are similar to the people who decide to hire you.  They see the same thing 40+ hours per week, and they get bored with it.  But every six months or so, something new catches their eye, and that's what the new trend is.  Six months later, that new trend is now old and boring, and they're looking for something new.  Wash, rinse, repeat.  

That's why it's so important to stay on top of the new job searching trends.  Walking into a job interview with a resume format from five years ago is like showing up to a first date wearing (insert some fashion trend here that went out of style five years ago.  I don't know; Crocs?  I told you, I don't know anything about fashion).  Below is an article about antiquated job searching trends in 2014.  Don't stop there.  Read as many articles as you can so that you'll stand out in your next interview!

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