Networking 101

by Kassandra McGhee on September 17th, 2010

Networking is recognized as one of the most important aspects of a job plan.  Some reports state that 70% of jobs are obtaining through networking.  With this persuading statistic, one can see why the following tips on effective networking can improve your ability to land the right job! 

1.    Why:  Networking Is Essential

Thousands of jobs are never posted and some reports state that companies are increasingly relying on current employees to recommend candidates.  Thus, having an influencer (network contact or “inside connection”) can put you in the right place, at the right time, to find the right job! 

2.    Who:  Identify Influencers

Effective networking includes establishing and maintaining relationships with influencers who are connected to and respected by decision makers.  A recommendation from an influencer can prove to be very valuable as it can open otherwise closed doors and give you an opportunity to discuss your value to the company. Develop a list of network contacts including friends, family members, former coworkers, college staff, instructors and neighbors you can ask about job opportunities.

3.    Where:  Finding Networking Opportunities

Beyond utilizing your network list, joining job clubs, alumni associations, school career placement services, etc. also improves your connection to opportunities!  When attending a networking event, the goal is 5:  obtain at least 5 new contacts and speak with at least 5 people regarding your career goal, qualifications and potential openings they can direct you towards. 

4.    How:  Questions To Ask

Asking the right type of questions is essential to effective networking.  The questions you ask will depend upon your relationship with the person, type of networking event, etc.  Here are a few questions to keep in mind:

  • What brought you to this networking event?
  • What kind of work do you do?
  • What does your company do?
  • How did you come into your line of work?
  • What do you like best about what you do?
  • What is the best way to find jobs in this field?
  • What would make someone an ideal candidate for your company?
  • Is your company hiring?  If yes, what positions are available?
  • How could I apply for this position? Can you put me in contact with or forward my resume to the person overseeing hiring for this job?
  • Will you please keep a copy of my resume for consideration for openings you become aware of?
  • What other people would you recommend I speak with? When I contact them, can I use your name?
  • How can I help you?

5.    What:  Keeping All The Pieces Together

It’s about relationships!  Make sure you keep in regular contact with your network list of influencers to discuss potential opportunities you can provide to them or that may be available for you.  Make yourself a helpful and valuable resource that is worth marketing!     


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