Review of the new Apple iPad

by Jo Escotal on May 2nd, 2010

So Apple finally sent me the 3G iPAD to review over the weekend since my beloved girlfriend took my original IPAD and here are some of the things I came away with. If you have never seen it you'll be impress with the size and the light weight quality and of course the smooth touch technology. However a cynic would look at it and realize it is nothing more than an iPhone or an iTouch on steroids. Some of the pros include watching movies and superior HD technology I was watching Avatar over the weekend and came away impress, the iBook was awesome I downloaded a couple of free books and the 3G has a GPS to show your current location.  Plus it really looks cool if you want some unwanted attention pull this out and you will get it of course be careful someone might want to jump you and steal it from you so have insurance on the iPAD or know some Shaolin Kung Fu. Some of the cons include subscribing to AT & T's slow networks (please sign the deal with Verizon already) so you can connect to the Internet, no camera, flash movies are not supported, one cannot multi-task and of course the price.  But with such a cool gadget money should never be an object (yeah right!).  I will come back for more reviews and make a list of some of the things they can do to improve it. You got it handed it over to Apple however there always ahead of the game when it comes to newer technology and generating a buzz for another useless gadget we think we need to improve our life.

In conclusion I now have the iMac, ,iPod, iTouch, no iPhone (I have the Black Berry Storm 2 since I despise AT & T's networks and have Verizon I know sign that partnership already) and now the iPAD with my iCandy girlfriend life is good.

Jo Escotal

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