Top 10 Things That Impact Your Job Search, Part 2

by Kassandra McGhee on October 22nd, 2010

Continuing our discussion from last week, below you will find items 3 - 5 on our list of Top 10 Things That Impact Your Job Search:

  • Perseverance

Have realistic goals and be consistent!  Be careful to not “marry yourself” to a job even if an interview went well.  Stay focused on your goal and preserve despite obstacles or how you may feel.  Remain dedicated to your job search plan and increase job search efforts in areas that are showing the most success.


  • Resume

Your resume is the way you market your product to potential employers.  Your resume must highlight how you are the right person to meet the company’s needs and add value to the organization. 


  • Interviewing Skills

Interviewing is the art of selling your product to the employer and solidifying why you are the best candidate for the job.  The interview process allows both you and the company to assess how you can potentially work together for mutual benefit. 

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