MCSA: 70-740: Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
This course focuses primarily on the installation, storage, and compute features and functionality available in Windows Server 2016. It covers general installation tasks and considerations and the installation and configuration of Nano Server, in addition to the creation and management of images for deployment. It also covers local and server storage solutions, including the configuration of disks and volumes, Data Deduplication, High Availability, Disaster Recovery, Storage Spaces Direct, and Failover Clustering solutions. The class also covers Hyper-V and containers, along with the maintenance and monitoring of servers in physical and compute environments.
- Installing Windows Server 2016
- Installing in the Enterprise
- Configuring Storage and Replication
- Understanding Hyper-V
- Configuring High Availability
- Understanding Custering
- Configuring Windows Containers
- Maintaining Windows Server
- Understanding Monitoring
Exam Details
Exam Pass Guarantee
At Microtrain we are committed to your success! Let us show you the return you get from great tech training. We will personally guarantee that if you take our class and follow our program you will be successfully certified!
Raves & Praise
Jean S.
PMP Certification Training, Lombard, 2008
I was laid off for many months and not really getting many callbacks for my resume and no job offers. After I put the letters PMP on it, not only did I see an increase in quantity, but also quality of interviews. I had been spinning my wheels for 5 months, and after the PMP went on, I had 2 job offers in 6 weeks. It really was the "golden ticket"
Ron Cwik
PMP Certification Training, 2008
Great training facility. Great instructors. Great experience.
Kaycee Ekufu
The instructor [Al Khalfan] was very knowledgeable in the field. He presented the materials and concepts with a professional touch. He also frequently adds humor to his teachings, which made it easier for me to understand. The support staff was all nice, gentle, caring, and very helpful. The materials, rooms and amenities were excellent and exceeded expected standards.
Robert Graf
Microtrain presents the course material in an interesting and concise manner. Microtrain gives the student all the resources necessary to pass the certification exams. Both the Chicago and Lombard facilities were excellent, and the staff goes to any length to accommodate any student changes.
Student Employment Success - Project/Process Manager
My Career Services Manager was very friendly and helpful and had excellent follow-up. She seemed to really care how things were going and kept me moving in the right direction. The resources available in job search were great and the visibility that there were jobs out there looking for my skillset was promising. Additionally, the training, as well as having an updated resume stating the Microtrain course work I had taken made me feel more confident and marketable as I looked for employment. It showed that I was dedicated and took project management and process management seriously.
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