MCSA: 70-742 Identity with Windows Server 2016
This course focuses on the identity functionality in Windows Server 2016. It covers the installation and configuration of Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), in addition to Group Policy implementation for non-Nano Server environments. It also covers functionality such as Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS), Active Directory Federations Services (AD FS), and Web Application proxy implementations.
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Raves & Praise
D. Easter
PMP Certification Training, November 2008
Thanks Microtrain for conducting a great PMP course that set me on a successful path to obtain my PMP certification. I have passed the test!
Ron Cwik
PMP Certification Training, 2008
Great training facility. Great instructors. Great experience.
Student Employment Success - Project/Process Manager
My Career Services Manager was very friendly and helpful and had excellent follow-up. She seemed to really care how things were going and kept me moving in the right direction. The resources available in job search were great and the visibility that there were jobs out there looking for my skillset was promising. Additionally, the training, as well as having an updated resume stating the Microtrain course work I had taken made me feel more confident and marketable as I looked for employment. It showed that I was dedicated and took project management and process management seriously.
Karine Bucci
Project Management
Great class, loved the interaction and team-building exercises. Plenty of materials and learning tools supplied. Although it was a full week's class, never boring. Donna [Russell] was awesome and gave many supporting examples for better understanding.
Christopher Fowler
Very thorough, good mix of lecture and lab work. Al is great! Keeps classes interesting and supplements required test material with need-to-know items from real world experience.
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