The MicroTrain Blog

Hump Day Hunting Help: April 26, 2011

by Kassandra McGhee on April 27th, 2011

Tip of the Week: From the Experts

Your job search is important.  And that’s why it’s always helpful to gain as much information as possible from people that have an inside pulse on the market.

Their Expertise + Your Experience/Knowledge = Effective Job Search!

Does Industry Certification Matter?

by Linda M Foy on April 25th, 2011

ABSOLUTELY!  Professional training is excellent to keep up to date with new trends and developments to remain at the forefront of your chosen field, however validating your skills and experience are essential to your success! Mangers can’t afford to hire an employee who can’t contribute and be productive right away.  “Certified professionals are regarded as possessing a proven ability to understand new or complex technologies and engage in more insightful problem solving, both of which lead to higher productivity.”  

Two points from this survey of roughly 1700 responses from HR and IT executives,

  • 64% of hiring managers rate certifications high in validating skills.
  • 80% of human resource managers believe certification will become even more important over the next two years.

When considering which certification is right for you.  Do your homework and determine what would support what you already possess.  Having experience AND certification will boost your marketability and certainly give you an undeniable edge over the sea of candidates without certification.

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