The MicroTrain Blog

Hump Day Hunting Help: June 22, 2011

by Kassandra McGhee on June 22nd, 2011

Tip of the Week: It’s Time to TAP

It’s time to get into the game.  And TAP can help you do just that! 

Yes, I know job hunting can be frustrating, disappointing and at times plain painful.  But no hunt, no prize.  Therefore, surrendering your job search is not an option.  But TAP truly is. 

TAP is part of a strategic job hunt that uses a targeted approach.  It’s about using the proper ammunition, aiming your weapon in the right direction, and at the right time, to get the right result.

And with that said, target companies are a must!  It’s beyond looking for the right position; it’s also about looking for the right company.  Know what you want to do, who you want to work for and why.  It’s about TAP:


Know your bullseye.  Create a list of career titles aligned with your knowledge, skills, experience, training/education, etc.  Create your target company list which includes organizations that need your talent and expertise.  Develop relationships with individuals that work for the company, know company employees, etc.  Create opportunities both online and offline to discuss your experience and interest in joining the organization.


Always be the problem-solver.  Develop your arsenal by identifying what specific investment you can make to the company and what problems you are skilled to fix.  Learn who the company is, their industry/market and how you are an ideal fit for key positions, company culture/goals, etc.   Make a list of key contributions you’ve made in other positions that align with the organization’s job openings, industry, goals and/or needs. 


Create the win-win situation.  The goal is to obtain the career that is a win-win for you and the company.  You get a paid position and advancement opportunities to help the company continue to develop and move forward.  

So, ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to TAP

Hump Day Hunting Help: June 15, 2011

by Kassandra McGhee on June 15th, 2011

Tip of the Week: Learn How to Read Your Interviewer’s Mind

Interviews can be stressful.  So wouldn’t it be helpful if you could read the interviewer’s mind and know exactly what s/he was looking for? 

Well, the simple answer is this, the interviewer is thinking: “Is this candidate the right person for this job?”  Furthermore, “Will s/he excel in the position? Be reliable in the position? Get along with others in the company? Is this the best overall fit for the organization?”  Your job interview is just a strategic conversation to help a company answer these questions.  Yes, strategic because there is a process and purpose behind the questions being asked. 

So how do you read your interviewer’s mind?  It’s actually quite easy—it’s about knowing the “what” behind the “why.”  Specifically, “what” skill set, experience, or quality are they looking for in the “why” or the question being asked.  It’s also determining what else they are seeking: your professionalism, your positive attitude, your passion, your honesty, your integrity.  So in essence, the company wants to know who you are, what unique overall value you bring to the table and what really makes you desire to become a part of their team.

Sounds too easy? Well, it’s really that uncomplicated.  The company desires you to “fit” and will ask questions to identify if you do.  All you have to do is know the “what” behind the “why” and what makes you the ideal, valuable, problem-solving team member. 

So there is really no need to fear an interview ever again.  You can learn to read the interviewer’s mind and then acing the interview can be a cinch! 

Below are a few articles written for interviewers.  It’s a quick way to learn to read their minds and take a peek inside interviewers through their eyes.

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