The MicroTrain Blog

Contact Your Career Services Manager

by David Jacobs on December 5th, 2011

Are you engaged with your Career Services Manager?

We have had numerous students transition into employment in the last month as a result of their continued interaction with MicroTrain, Critical Path, and the Career Services Team.

MicroTrain continues to add employer partners on a weekly basis, and they have provided excellent feedback on the quality of our students. As a result of our October Hiring Events, a number of students were interviewed and have obtained employment. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to get in front of employers, and sell yourself!

Hump Day Hunting Help: August 17, 2011

by Kassandra McGhee on August 17th, 2011

Hump Day Hunting Help:  August 17, 2011

Tip of the Week:  Help, My Job Search Needs a Check-up 

Every now and then it’s good to check the vitals on your job search.  And like any good check-up, a thorough review is necessary to ensure all systems are functioning to their optimum capacity. 

Your job search is as complex as your health and involves intricate parts that must function together to get the results you desire.  Begin your job search check-up by examining the following:

Job Search Goal

Review your job search goal for accuracy and relevancy based upon your skills and today’s market.  Keep your job search strong by continuously identifying the skills the market demands and job titles that reflect how you can meet these needs. 

Job Search Plan

A diversified  job search approach which includes a healthy dose of networking is essential for your job search plan.  Continue to check the pulse of the market for new job search sites, trends and ways to promote your skills to employers needing your talent. 

Marketing Collateral

Your resume must be tailored for each position.  Be sure it is properly formatted, updated and includes key words from the job announcement.  Obtain business cards that provide information regarding your expertise, contact information and LinkedIn profile to distribute to networking contacts.

Follow Up

Whether it’s a resume/application submission or an interview, follow up is a vital part of your healthy job search.  Demonstrate to the employer that you are committed to the company by actively pursuing the job opportunity.  Don’t puncture the process, stay engaged from beginning through the end. 

The overall health of your job search is based upon the overall health of each part of your job search system.  So conduct your job search health check-up and make sure it’s strong, healthy and prepared to help you succeed.

Happy Hunting!

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