The MicroTrain Blog

Are You Getting Job Offers?

by Linda M Foy on February 28th, 2011

You know you have the skills to do the job.  You know you will excel in the positions you apply for. You are dedicated to put in more hours than required and will be an asset to any company you are researching.  You feel your interviews are going well.  But, you’re still unemployed.

Here are a few basic things to consider while contemplating why you may not be getting job offers.  Are you … 

  1. Selling yourself with confidence to promote your value.  Without hesitation, you should be able to identify your specific characteristics that make you the ideal candidate for ANY opportunity you target for employment.  In your list, do you have the required skills and have the ability to learn? Are you self-motivated and disciplined? Do you have a track record of success?  Are you a team player?  Do you exhibit a personality to fit the culture of the work environment?
  2. Prepared for the interview.  You should be able to get right to the point when answering “Tell me about yourself”.  Your response should be no more than 2 minutes and contain your personal background, work experience and what you offer to the opportunity. 
  3. Asking good questions. Make sure you ask questions to indicate your interest in the position and company objectives then relate how your job skills and goals can help them achieve them. 
  4. Lacking interpersonal skills.  Keep in mind that interviews are fact finding operations.  Don’t get too comfortable and allow your interviewer to recognize faults that can be misinterpreted to bring doubt in your abilities or appear as an inability to be a team player.  To avoid glimpses to flaws, remain concise in your answers and have your prepared examples ready for the “what if” questions. 
  5. Positive and enthusiastic.  Would you consider hiring a candidate that isn’t excited or show a true desire to be a part of your company vision?
  6. Appropriate in personal appearance.  Organizations hire people.  If they don’t like you, your credentials and experience won’t get the job.  Your appearance is a reflection of your character and attention to detail.  Be professional and dress conservatively.  Wear VERY little (if any) jewelry, cologne or perfume.  Clothes should be freshly cleaned and pressed.  Shoes cleaned and shined.  Body, hair and nails should be clean, groomed and neat.  Posture should project confidence.  

I hope these tips help to enhance your awareness to learning more about yourself to increase your boldness to ask for the job and close your deal. Continue to arm yourself with self knowledge and remain confident in your approach.

If you hesitate, a bolder hand will stretch out before you and get the prize (Unknown Author)

Relieve Some of the Pressures of Interviewing

by Linda M Foy on December 22nd, 2010

Everyone knows that job searching and interviewing for a job is a very stressful and difficult process.  Don’t lose heart.  You can reduce surprises and arm yourself with knowledge of company needs and objectives by researching the employer prior to submitting your resume.  Don’t’ be the one who applies for jobs where it is obvious you are low in the skills department or can’t be happy because the company conflicts with your values and beliefs. You could ultimately find yourself not producing or are causing other problems for yourself and the employer.  Be considerate to yourself and the employers who are constantly faced with the problem of finding and surrounding themselves with employees who want to work for them.  Employers want someone they can trust and be productive with the least amount of supervision. Get their attention with appropriate skills, honesty, commitment, enthusiasm, your smile and of course the desire to produce for them. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with appearing too good to be true!

Realize that not every interview will be successful. You may find that the interviewer is looking for a specific personality type and you don't quite match that profile.  There may be someone else more qualified or the job is already filled from within and they are just going through the motions to cover themselves.  Maybe the interviewer doesn't like your cologne and has a major case of allergies that day. There are many reasons (I’m sure you could add to this list) as to why you are not getting an offer or second interview.  Whatever the reason, know that many are simply out of your control.  DO NOT take it personally.  HOWEVER, there are many more that are in your control so be prepared!  Knowledge with confidence that you have the skill and ability to do the job successfully will take you far in any interview.   

Problems are not stop signs they are guidelines (Robert Schuller).

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