The MicroTrain Blog

Client Success Story: Mike McNamara

by Mary Toomey on August 8th, 2014

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Being unemployed might have not been the best thing that ever happened to Michael McNamara, but he turned his misfortune into a great opportunity with taking advantage of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA)  and the classes at MicroTrain.  Michael learned about WIA by attending an information seminar at MicroTrain and was instructed to go to his local DESI (Northside Workforce Center) where he met with his counselor Monique Crumpler.   

Working with Monique and attending various workshops, Michael was able to learn about a growing in-demand field of Computer Tech Support.  MicroTrain enrolled Mike in some entry level computer support training which aligned him perfectly for the new field he wanted to target.  Mike said: “I have completed ITIL Foundations, A+, Net +, MCSA and Excel classes and certified for ITIL so far.  Everyone from the Ralph Logan, who helped me design my schedule, to the front desk woman Rachel Simmons, to the career development people Andi Grabemeyer and Dawn Mondo, and all my instructors at MicroTrain. They've all been very helpful and supportive.”    The WIA grant was able to cover 100% of the cost of training, books and exams.   Mike was now able to open his job search to include in-demand job titles like Computer Support, PC Tech and Call Center Manager.

Mike also attended career services classes at Microtrain, Mike commented: “ I've attended a LinkedIn class and a resume work shop to help improve the branding of who I am and where I'm headed.  I've attended MicroTrain hiring events through the career development department with Andi Grabemeyer and Dawn Mundo.  I'm happy to say that I just received and offer letter from a company I met with through MicroTrain. MicroTrain has helped me turn my career and life around! “   Mike is now working as a C1 Consultant with Olenick and Associates.  

Trained, certified and hired!  We are all very proud of Mike’s hard work that landed him a great new future in this thriving field. 

LinkedIn Headlines are More Than Just Job Titles

by Mary Toomey on July 17th, 2014
Do you know that little write-up below your name, on your LinkedIn Profile is referred to as your "professional headline"?
Are you still just using your non-descriptive boring title?  If so, you are missing out on a great personal branding opportunity to tell your followers how you can help them.   

The LinkedIn professional headline is one part of the profile that most people miss a great opportunity to promote their skills.  This is great news for the unemployed who often struggled what to put in this area of the profile.   Now everyone has an opportunity to advertise their skills and take advantage of the 120 characters to showcase their professionalism.   

The headline should be written like a newspaper headline, intriguing enough for someone to want to read more about you, which will compel them to link to your full profile.  The Headline is not just your job title anymore, use all of the 120 characters LinkedIn gives you to make yourself stand out online. 

Here are some helpful tips to write a professional headline:  

  1. Use Key Words:  Think of the Key Words that a recruiter would be searching for if looking for someone like you?  Embed as many Key Words into your headline.

      EXAMPLE:      Project Management, Manufacturing & Supply Chain  Executive, Six Sigma Black Belt.

 2. Think of how you help your clients.     Helping _____________ with _______________.

     EXAMPLE:      Helping Clients Find Solutions to Challenging Problems in Electronic Design, Test, Measurement and Fabrication.

 3. Entice your audience:  Be specific and talk directly to your target audience that will make them want to read more about you.
     EXAMPLE:     PMP Certified Project Manager - Known for Successful Leading Multi-Million Dollar Projects. 

Headlines are an important part of your LinkedIn profile. Your photo, name and headline follow you around LinkedIn wherever you travel around the site.   A good headline creates an opportunity for you to customize your Profile for personal marketing.  Using the right Keywords will increase the probability that your Profile will appear in a recruiters search for someone with those skills.  Construct a creative headline, a small change on your LinkedIn Profile can lead to a successful job search.

How is your LinkedIn profile?  Think you have mastered it?  Why not take a look at the Professional ME and score your LinkedIn profile.   This is a great tool for you to measure your Personal Brand.  

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