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It's not what you know but who you know!

by Jo Escotal on March 5th, 2010

The power of networking

It''s not what you know is who you know.

I was always love the part in the beginning of the Godfather when the undertaker suddenly needed justice for his daughter and the Godfather played brilliantly by Marlon Brando states “now you come to me for a favor when all along what I wanted was a friendship.” The power of networking and building your rolodex of people to know is not about instant gratification but the building and the process of friendship and connection that will one day be needed.  Have you been recently unemployed? It is a horrible feeling when suddenly you have to ask for a favor or help and seeking employment. It is always the hardest to diet when you are starving!  Starting today start knowing people and have a relationship with them where you will provide value for them so that one day when you need that favor it will be there without consequences. Know people there special events there BDAY, anniversary as a salesman your job is to be at the peripheral of your connections because when they suddenly need your service they will remember you for always being there for them. If you r still under the illusion that its hard work then I feel sorry for you. The weekdays are for hard work and the weekends are for working hard to meet people.    The more you know and who you know especially is what’s going to make your life easier.

Jo Blitz Escotal


Here is a list of my top 5 hacker movies of all time.

by Jo Escotal on March 3rd, 2010

5. Swordfish (2001)
One of the most outrageous plot in hacker movie. John Travolta is awesome as the villain, Hugh Jackman as the hero hacker, and Halle Berry (well just watch the movie and you will see what I mean). I love the part in the beginning where the Hugh Jackman’s character cracks the defense system in less than 60 seconds. This movie is over the top, plenty of computer gibberish(lots of command line, firewall terms etc.) that will never work in real life  lots of techno music and plenty of hot women to make this a must movie to watch.

4. Sneakers (1992)
This movie chronicles’ the life of two college friends who take different paths in life. One becomes an ethical hacker, and the other...well, let's just say he is doing plenty of black hat activities. A lot of twists and turns and pretty much came at a time when the World Wide Web was starting to become popular.

3. Hackers (1995)
I think I love this movie more because it was one of the first roles that Angelina Jolie starred in. The film follows the exploits of a group of gifted high school hackers and their involvement in a corporate extortion conspiracy. I love the scene where they check out the laptop with the 28.8 modem "Sweet"

2 Wargames (1983)
“Would you like to play a game” A young innocent kid (Matthew Broderick) finds a way to war dial and infiltrate the nuclear defense system and almost start world war 3. One of the best hacker’s movies of all time.

1. Tron (1982)
A true masterpiece! A hacker (Jeff Bridges) is sent into the digital realm inside a computer, and must become a cyber gladiator in order to stop the villainous Master Evil. This has truly become a cult classic

Honorable mention (Matrix, Live Free or Die Hard, Anti-trust and Transformers)

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