The MicroTrain Blog

GPS (Goal Plan Sacrifice)

by Jo Escotal on February 17th, 2010

You have made a decision to become certified in computers, lose weight, become a millionaire et. but there is one thing that is stopping you, where do you begin or how do you start?

Do you know that most people that are successful have a plan? A strategy a sort of road map. It is really  easy if you want to be a millionaire you find someone who is a millionaire if you want to be successful in computers you find someone who knows a lot about computers. 

One of the things I have developed in many of my seminars and speaking engagement is the concept of GPS (In the world of traveling this is known as a Global Positioning Satellite a tool use to find our way especially if we get lost and being a typical guy  I do not ask for directions) 

So here is my idea of GPS in real life

G (Goal) 

P (Plan)

S (Sacrifice)

Most successful people have dreams you cannot get anywhere without a Goal a great Chinese philosopher once said that "a thousand mile journey begins with a single step" Every successful company, project, championship that was ever built began with a goal in mind.

Without a plan or a road map it is hard to get anywhere?  Are you following the right plan. If you wanted to be an expert in getting around Chicago and instead I gave you the map of Cleveland guess what? you are never going anywhere you can work hard but the results your lost. That is why people fail it is not that there not hard workers or not talented but they are living a life without some sort of plan or the right directions a famous saying goes "fail to plan plan to fail"

Now comes perhaps the most difficult part of GPS (SACRIFICE) with this you are going to become successful the word sacrifice means you do whatever it takes to reach the mountain top.  You will get rejection you will fail but eventually if you keep at it you will eventually succeed providing you have incorporated the first 2 of Goal and Plan then Sacrifice. I was watching the Olympics I always wondered what is the different between the gold medalist and the silver medalist? you guess it sacrifice. Who put it the most hours and dedication.  They once ask Larry Bird why he shoots so many baskets before and after practice after making so many all star teams and becoming an MVP his response that is why I am the champion.
So if you want to succeed in anything you have the best GPS in the world which is GOAL, PLAN and SACRIFICE 


Jo Blitz Escotal


How to become a geek

by Jo Escotal on January 25th, 2010
  1. Update your computer with the latest and greatest state of the art software and hardware.
  2. Purchase and install several superfluous peripherals for your computer, such as a USB 3.0 HDMI video camera and a Blu Ray burner.
  3. Establish the fastest Internet connection you can get your hands on T1, Fiber anything with the word super booster will do the trick.
  4. Attain mastery of a variety of mainstream programming languages, such as LISP, JAVA, Assembly and C++. HTML does not count silly.
  5. Refuse to use "wimpy" graphical operating systems, such as Windows and the Mac OS: Instead, prefer UNIX variants, preferably the free and popular Linux.
  6. Add so many hacks and patches to your system that others are clueless in its wake.
  7. Establish a network of fellow computer geeks with whom you can have long conversations about computers and online adventures that non-computer geeks cannot hope to understand also contribute to open-source projects and contribute to the hacking community.
  8. Build your own web site and establish a minimum of at least 5 separate e-mail addresses.
  9. Subscribe to a variety of computer and computer-related magazines, serials and periodicals to keep up with the latest trends and developments in the computer world such as alt.2600 newsgroups.
  10. Get involved in other hobbies that tend to be associated with computer geek Dom, such as network online gaming, trading card games, star wars convention and anime (Japanese animation).

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