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DES® Digital Event Strategist

Get certified as a Digital Event Strategist (DES). Reach your audience, customers, etc. virtually.

Development Immersion

Immersion is a part of the Development Program and will help bring all students to a similar line of knowledge for the 10 wk bootcamp. Benefits will differ for each student.

DevOps Implementation Boot Camp

Digital Marketing Complete

Launch your career in digital marketing or create an effective marketing strategy for your business. Learn SEO, social media marketing, paid search strategies, and analytics tracking from top digital marketing experts.

Entry Certificate in Business Analysis™ (ECBA™) Exam Prep

Microtrain’s 3-day Certified Business Analysis - IIBA exam prep instructor-led course is designed to teach the business analysis framework necessary for success on the exam and on the job. Our certified instructors present the material in an informa

Facebook Marketing

Marketing on Facebook - Learn how to create and manage successful Facebook ad campaigns

GCP - Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure

Google Cloud, GCP

Generative AI for HR Professionals Course Overview

Generative AI for HR Professionals course teaches AI tools like ChatGPT, automating HR processes, enhancing recruitment, employee engagement, training, and leveraging AI for HR analytics.

Generative AI Overview for Project Managers Essentials

Google Ads (AdWords)

Let us show you how to take control of your PPC with our Google Ads (AdWords): Search training courses.

Google Analytics

Do you want to get the most out of Google Analytics? Learn how to measure and analyze our online data with our in-depth analytics training courses.

Google Cloud - Digital Transformation: Essentials

Hiring Event for MicroTrain

How to Effectively Apply for the WIOA Program

What you'll learn: The grants available for job training (WIOA, ITA, TAA ) The requirements and criteria for WIOA job training grants (Laid-off, on unemployment, when, where) The types of training programs and certifications available (Technology…

Human Resources - Diversity and Inclusion - SHRM | PHR

“Diversity and Inclusion - The Race to Disrupt Unconcious Bias in the workplace”, you will understand the concrete ways that nowadays are needed to engage in respectful and positive workplace interactions.

Human Resources - PHR | SPHR

Earn your HR certification from HRCI®. Become PHR or SPHR certified with our authorized training class. Convenient training available days, evenings and weekends in Chicago, IL.

Human Resources - SHRM - CP | SHRM - SCP

Earn your HR certification from the Society of Human Resource Management. Become SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP certified with our authorized training class. Convenient training available days, evenings and weekends in Chicago, IL.

Instagram Marketing

Take a close look at Instagram as a digital marketing strategy. Learn about Instagram advertising, and find out how to build a following for your business or an influencer.

Internet of Things (IoT) - A brief look at the Basics

Introduction to Cloud Computing: Essentials

Introduction to Windows

 Students will learn to open folder and files, create new folders, navigate their computers, open and use Windows Accessories, and customize their computer’s appearance by changing backgrounds, effects and settings, and by applying Active D…

ISTQB Certified Software Tester Foundation - CTFL

The ISTQB Certified Tester Certification at the Foundation Level is one of the most comprehensive and renowned certification programs designed for accrediting software testers,

IT Fundamentals

ITIL 4® Foundation

The ITIL 4 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management demonstrates an understanding of the key concepts, guiding principles and four dimensions of IT Service Management, within an IT Service Value System (SVS). This course outline follows the …

ITIL 4® Foundation Introduction: Essentials

ITIL v4 online training (self paced video), you will explore the ITIL 4 Foundation. Comprehensively understanding IT Service Management (ITSM) fundamentals and the latest ITIL framework.

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